What Can I Expect During an Instrument Proficiency Check?

Embark on a journey of skill assessment and aviation mastery during an Instrument Proficiency Check, unlocking insights and enhancing your aircraft command.


Before your Instrument Proficiency Check, review your aircraft’s manual to refresh your knowledge on its instruments and systems. Familiarize yourself with the flight charts and routes relevant to the assessment. Ensure that your logbook and required documentation are up to date to streamline the process. Practice flying in various scenarios to sharpen your instrument navigation skills.

Additionally, study the regulations and procedures pertinent to instrument flying. Be ready to discuss flight planning, weather analysis, and emergency procedures during the ground portion of the check. Arrive at the testing location well-rested and mentally prepared to showcase your proficiency in instrument flight.

Test Components

The Instrument Proficiency Check typically consists of both oral and practical components. The oral segment assesses your theoretical knowledge of instrument procedures, regulations, and safety measures. Expect questions on aircraft systems, flight planning, and emergency protocols.

During the practical portion, demonstrate your ability to operate the aircraft solely by reference to instruments. Execute maneuvers such as climbs, descents, turns, and precision approaches under simulated instrument conditions. The examiner will evaluate your instrument scan, aircraft control, and decision-making skills.

Stay composed and communicate clearly with the examiner throughout the assessment. Remember to prioritize safety and precision in your flying actions to showcase your proficiency effectively.

Flight Test

During the flight portion of the Instrument Proficiency Check, you will navigate specified routes and perform various maneuvers to demonstrate your proficiency in instrument flight. Execute tasks such as tracking navigational aids, intercepting and tracking courses, and recovering from unusual flight attitudes solely by reference to instruments.

Maintain situational awareness throughout the flight test and adhere to air traffic control instructions diligently. Showcase your ability to handle changing weather conditions, radio communications, and navigation challenges. Employ effective cockpit resource management techniques to optimize your performance.

Feedback and Results

After completing the Instrument Proficiency Check, the instructor or examiner will provide you with detailed feedback on your performance. Embrace constructive criticism and use it to enhance your skills and knowledge. Discuss areas of improvement and seek clarification on any aspects of the assessment that may require further understanding.

Depending on your performance, you will receive a pass or fail result. In case of a failure, don’t be discouraged; utilize the feedback to focus your training efforts and prepare for a reevaluation. A pass indicates that you have met the proficiency standards, validating your competence in instrument flying.

Stay ahead of your airborne adventures with a thorough understanding of the instrument proficiency check process.